
刘博 讲师





2018.01-2021.03 西班牙拉古纳大学,心理语言学博士

2012.09-2014.07 对外经济贸易大学,翻译硕士

2008.09-2012.07 辽宁大学,文学学士


2021.06-至今 大连海事大学外国语学院,讲师

2014-2017 大连理工大学盘锦校区,英语教师



1. Liu, B., Wang, H., Beltrán, D., Gu, B., Liang, T., Wang, X., & de Vega, M. (2020). The generalizability of inhibition-related processes in the comprehension of linguistic negation. ERP evidence from the Mandarin language. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 35(7), 885-895. (SSCI检索)

2. Liu, B., Gu, B., Beltrán, D., Wang, H., & de Vega, M. (2020). Presetting an inhibitory state modifies the neural processing of negated action sentences. An ERP study. Brain and Cognition, 143, 105598. (SSCI检索)

3. Beltrán, D., Liu, B., & de Vega, M. (2021). Inhibitory mechanisms in the processing of negations: a neural reuse hypothesis. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50(6), 1243-1260. (SSCI检索)

4. Gu, B., Liu, B., Wang, H., Beltrán, D., de Vega, M. (2021). Learning new words’ emotional meanings in the contexts of faces and sentences, Psicológica, 42 (1), 52-84. (SSCI检索)

5. Gu, B., Wang, H., Beltrán, D., Liu, B., Liang, T., Wang, X., & de Vega, M. (2021). Embodied processing of disgust in Mandarin words: An ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 58, 100981. (SSCI检索)

6. Gu, B., Liu, B., Wang, H., de Vega, M., & Beltrán, D. (2023). ERP signatures of pseudowords’ acquired emotional connotations of disgust and sadness. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 38(10), 1348-1364. (SSCI检索)

7. Gu, B., Liu, B., Beltrán, D., & de Vega, M. (2023). ERP evidence for emotion-specific congruency effects between sentences and new words with disgust and sadness connotations. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1154442. (SSCI检索)

8. Tang, D., Fu, Y., Wang, H., Liu, B., Zang, A., & Kärkkäinen, T. (2023). The embodiment of emotion-label words and emotion-laden words: Evidence from late Chinese–English bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1143064. (SSCI检索)

9. Liu, B., Gu, B., de Vega, M., Wang, H., & Beltrán, D. (2023). Existential negation modulates inhibitory control processes and impacts recognition memory. Evidence from ERP and source localisation data. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-13. (SSCI检索)


1. “老年人二语否定习得的认知神经机制及其对抑制控制能力提升研究”,辽宁省社会科学基金项目,2023年,主持人,在研。

2. “否定语言加工的神经机制研究”,中央高校基本科研业务费青年基金项目,2022年,主持人,已结项。

3. “汉语动作动词隐喻理解的具身效应研究”,辽宁省社科联项目,2020年,参与人,已结项。

4. Inhibition and Linguistic Negation. Shared Neural Mechanisms”,Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades,参与人,2019年,已结项。

5. “汉语非字面语言认知的神经心理机制研究”,国家社科基金重大项目子课题,2014年,参与人,已结项。


担任Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition; Language, Cognition and Neuroscience; Journal of Psycholinguistic ResearchSSCI期刊审稿人。




