
2023613日,外国语学院邀请原国际海事组织(IMO)海安司高级副司长Prof. Captain Hartmut G.Hesse来院进行“General knowledge of IMO- focus on recent and current challenges讲座。讲座由院长曾罡教授主持。国际联合学院教授,国际海事公约研究专家张仁平,学院教师及本硕研究生近100人参加讲座。

曾罡简要介绍Prof.Captain Hartmut G.Hesse情况,并表示非常欢迎副司长来院访问,与师生分享IMO基本信息及现今面临的挑战。Prof. Captain Hartmut G.HesseIMO安全委员会工作多年,负责并致力于无线电通讯和远程识别跟踪系统方面的研究。自2012年开始,被任命IMO秘书长的特别代表,负责海上安全和防海盗项目。

讲座中,Prof. Captain Hartmut G.Hesse主要围绕IMO基本信息与组织架构、IMO 2018-2023年战略计划、新型冠状病毒肺炎对航运的影响等方面详细地介绍相关情况,并表示应对当前面临的挑战,急需各方的力量,在船舶科技应用、加大疫苗接种、防范网络攻击等方面加大投入。

讲座内容详实,理论与观点紧贴现实,赢得在场师生的阵阵掌声。讲座后,与会师生还与Prof. Captain Hartmut G.HesseIMO最新规章等方面进行了交流。



Hartmut Hesse is a master mariner and was a long-standing member of the IMO Secretariat. He initially studied chemistry and later joined the German Merchant Navy. In 1975 he obtained his Master’s Certificate and came ashore, working in the Dangerous Goods Department of the same shipping company he sailed with. He then moved to London as a Container Ship Operator and Owner’s Representative in a multinational container shipping consortium.

In 1991, Capt. Hesse joined the IMO Secretariat, first as a Senior Technical Officer and subsequently as Head of the Cargoes and Facilitation Section, later the Navigation Section, of the Maritime Safety Division. After also assuming Maritime Security responsibilities in 2001, he was appointed Senior Deputy Director, responsible, amongst many others, for Counter Piracy and Terrorism, treatment of persons rescued at sea, GMDSS and LRIT. At the beginning of 2012, Captain Hesse was appointed Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral for Maritime Security and Counter-Piracy Programmes.

After retiring from this role at the end of 2012, Capt. Hesse provides his unique experience in an advisory capacity e.g., Regulatory Adviser to the Director Marine Division, MICTTD, Kiribati. Capt. Hesse is a visiting Professor at the World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden and lecturing regularly at the Dalian Maritime University, providing a Course on Maritime Governance and Control including IMO IMSAS within the Joint WMU/DMU MSC Programme on Maritime Safety and Environmental Management.

